Government agency
Workplace bulletinResource Type(s): Government agency, Newsletter/magazine
2012 Emergency response guidebookResource Type(s): Government agency, Publications
Source: Transport Canada
African newsletter on occupational health and safetyResource Type(s): Government agency, Newsletter/magazine, Publications
Source: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Alberta Workplace Health and Safety: ask an expertResource Type(s): Government agency, Inquiry service
Source: Alberta Employment and Immigration
Appeal Commission: Workers Compensation Act of ManitobaResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Appeals Tribunal: Workplace Health and Safety Compensation Commission (New Brunswick)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board, Workers' Compensation Board
Source: WorkSafe New Brunswick
Approved Certified Training Providers for OH&S Committees, Worker Health and Safety Representatives and Workplace Health and Safety DesignatesResource Type(s): Directory, Government agency, Training and workshops, Workers' Compensation Board
Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of Newfoundland and Labrador (WHSCC)
«Association des commissions des accidents du travail du Canada »Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board
Association of Labour Relations AgenciesResource Type(s): Government agency, Safety association
Authorized First Aid Organizations under the Canada Occupational Health and Safety RegulationsResource Type(s): Directory, Government agency
«Bibliothèque des tribunaux du travail de l'Ontario (BTTO)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Libraries
British Columbia Safety AuthorityResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Training and workshops
«Bulletin du travail»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Newsletter/magazine
«Bulletin Liaison»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards, Newsletter/magazine
«Bureau des conseillers des employeurs (BCE) »Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Workers' Compensation Board
Ça marche comme sur des roulettes - Guide sur les transports actifs pour la navette domicile-travailResource Type(s): Government agency, Research
Canada Appeals Office on Occupational Health and SafetyResource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards, Program/service
Canada/European Union Cooperation on Workplace Safety and HealthResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link
Canadian best practices portalResource Type(s): Government agency
Canadian General Standards BoardResource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards
Canadian Human Rights CommissionResource Type(s): Government agency
Canadian Human Rights Commission: Case Law InformationResource Type(s): Database, Government agency, Legislation/Standards
Canadian Human Rights TribunalResource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards
Canadian Institute for Health InformationResource Type(s): Government agency
CanOSHResource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Key link
«Canosh»Resource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Key link
Center for the Evaluation of Risks to Human Reproduction (CERHR)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Research
CIS National Centres Information NetworkResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Program/service
«Commission canadienne des droits de la personne»Resource Type(s): Government agency
«Commission canadienne des droits de la personne: Information sur la jurisprudence»Resource Type(s): Database, Government agency, Legislation/Standards
«Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board
Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link
«Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail : Service du répertoire toxicologique»Resource Type(s): Database, Government agency
«Commission de la santé, de la sécurité et de l'indemnisation des accidents au travail»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board
«Commission des lésions professionnelles (CLP)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards, Workers' Compensation Board
«Commission des relations de travail dans la fonction publique»Resource Type(s): Government agency
«Commission des relations de travail de l’Ontario»Resource Type(s): Government agency
«Commission du travail du Manitoba»Resource Type(s): Government agency
Concilier la carrière et les soinsResource Type(s): General resources, Government agency
«Conseil canadien des normes»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards
«Conseil national mixte»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Union / labour
Department of Labour: Health and Safety SectionResource Type(s): Government agency
Directory of Labour Organizations in CanadaResource Type(s): Database, Directory, Government agency, Program/service, Union / labour
«Division de la sécurité et de l’hygiène du travail: Travail et immigration Manitoba»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link
Employers' Advisers Office: Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training (B.C.)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Workers' Compensation Board
Federal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationResource Type(s): Government agency
Finnish Institute of Occupational HealthResource Type(s): Government agency, Research (Public Safety Canada)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
Guide to Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Information in British ColumbiaResource Type(s): Academic program, Audio visual, Bibliography, Directory, Government agency, Libraries, Professional association, Publications, Safety association
Health & Safety LaboratoryResource Type(s): Government agency, Research
Health and Safety Executive (UK)Resource Type(s): General resources, Government agency
Healthlink BCResource Type(s): Government agency, Inquiry service
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada: Labour ProgramResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Legislation/Standards
Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (UK)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Research
«Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS)»Resource Type(s): Government agency
Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Research
«Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Research
«Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)»Resource Type(s): Government agency
Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)Resource Type(s): Government agency
«La Commission des relations du travail du Québec»Resource Type(s): Government agency
Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, Goverment of SaskatchewanResource Type(s): Government agency
«Les jeunes et la CSST»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
Liaison BulletinResource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards, Newsletter/magazine
Library occupational health and safety videosResource Type(s): Audio visual, Government agency, Video
Source: Alberta Employment and Immigration
Manitoba Farm SafetyResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
Manitoba Heavy Construction Association IncResource Type(s): Government agency, Training and workshops
Manitoba Labour Board
Resource Type(s): Government agency
Mine Safety and Health Administration (USA)Resource Type(s): Government agency
National Agricultural Safety Database (NASD)Resource Type(s): Database, Government agency, Research
National Association of Government Labor OfficialsResource Type(s): Government agency, Professional association, Support Group
National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)
Resource Type(s): Government agency
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (EPA)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Research
National Institute for Occcupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)Resource Type(s): CIS Centre, General resources, Government agency, Key link, Publications, Research
Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
National Institute of Environmental Health SciencesResource Type(s): Government agency, Research
National Joint CouncilResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Union / labour
National Occupational Health and Safety Advisory CommitteeResource Type(s): Government agency
«National Research and Safety Institute (INRS)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Research
National Toxicology ProgramResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Research
Naval Safety CenterResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
NT WorkSafeResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)Resource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Legislation/Standards
«Office des normes générales du Canada (ONGC)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards
Office of the Employer Advisor (Ontario)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Workers' Compensation Board
Ontario Labour Relations BoardResource Type(s): Government agency
Ontario Workplace GatewayResource Type(s): Government agency, Inquiry service, Program/service
Pandemic Influenza PortalResource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Program/service
«Pandémie D'Influenza»Resource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Program/service
«Portail d'information sur les milieux de travail (Ontario)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
«Prix innovation en santé et sécurité du travail »Resource Type(s): Event, Government agency, Program/service
Source: Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec (CSST)
Public Service Labour Relations BoardResource Type(s): Government agency
Queensland: Workplace Health and SafetyResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
«Répertoire des organisations de travailleurs au Canada»Resource Type(s): Database, Directory, Government agency, Program/service, Union / labour
«Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada: Programme du travail»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Legislation/Standards
Safety Codes Council Resource Type(s): Government agency, Safety association, Training and workshops
Saskatchewan Farm SafetyResource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Program/service
Source: Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and Labour
Saskatchewan Labour Relations BoardResource Type(s): Government agency
Saskatchewan Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment and LabourResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link
Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board Resource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board
«Sécurité ferroviaire»Resource Type(s): Government agency
« (Ministère de la Sécurité publique et Protection civile Canada)»Resource Type(s): General resources, Government agency
Standards Council of CanadaResource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards
Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP)Resource Type(s): Database, Government agency, Program/service, Research
ToxNetResource Type(s): Database, Government agency
Transport Canada: Rail Safety DirectorateResource Type(s): Government agency
Transport Canada: Transport Dangerous Goods DirectorateResource Type(s): Government agency
Source: Transport Canada
«Transport des marchandises dangereuses»Resource Type(s): Government agency
Tri-National Working Group of Government Experts on Workplace Safety and Health Resource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service
«Tribunal de santé et sécurité au travail Canada.»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Legislation/Standards, Program/service
«Tribunal d’appel de la sécurité professionnelle et de l’assurance contre les accidents du travail (TASPAAT)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
«Tribunal d’appel: CSSIAT (New Brunswick)»Resource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
U. S. Department of LaborResource Type(s): Government agency
U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB)Resource Type(s): Government agency, Research
Video vaultResource Type(s): Audio visual, General resources, Government agency, Training and workshops
Source: SAFE Work Manitoba
WorkCover ACTResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
WorkCover SAResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
WorkCover TasmaniaResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Worker Advisor Program: Prince Edward IslandResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal: Prince Edward IslandResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba: 24 Hour Distress LineResource Type(s): Government agency, Inquiry service, Workers' Compensation Board
Workers' Advisor Office: Northwest Territories & NunavutResource Type(s): Government agency, Program/service, Workers' Compensation Board
Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal of British ColumbiaResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Working Partners for an Alcohol-and Drug-Free-WorkplaceResource Type(s): Government agency, Support Group
Workplace Health ConnectResource Type(s): Government agency, Inquiry service
Workplace Health Safety and Compensation Commission of New BrunswickResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board
Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of Newfoundland and LabradorResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board, Workers' Compensation Board
Workplace Safety and Health: Manitoba Labour and ImmigrationResource Type(s): Government agency, Organization
Source: Government of Manitoba
Workplace Safety and Health: Work Safety and Health Training Providers ListResource Type(s): Directory, Government agency, Program/service, Training and workshops
Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals TribunalResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board, Workers' Compensation Board
WorkSafe VictoriaResource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
WorkSafeBC: List of Video TitlesResource Type(s): Audio visual, Government agency, Training and workshops
World Health OrganizationResource Type(s): General resources, Government agency, Program/service
Yukon Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal
Resource Type(s): Government agency, Workers' Compensation Board
Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety BoardResource Type(s): Government agency, Key link, Workers' Compensation Board