Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Clothing ? snug fitting and usually covers body, arms and legs
Footwear ? covering entire foot surface and heavy enough to withstand sharp objects
Aprons or coats ? worn to protect clothing from hot liquids, or bacterial contamination.
Gloves ? worn to avoid contamination of food (keep it sanitary) and also to protect the worker from exposures to microbes
Eye protection ? goggles can be worn to protect the eyes from splattering
Hairnets ? worn to keep the food clean and sanitary (people lose 50 hairs a day)
Dust mask ? where biologically hazardous dusts or mists need to be avoided (e.g. sweeping up mouse droppings)
Biological Containment Hoods ? if you work in a laboratory with animals or microbes these hoods use air pressure to keep infectious material away from a workers breathing zone.