
Workplace Health and Well-being - Sample Workplace Health and Well-being Program Elements

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What can be considered a workplace health and well-being program?

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Workplace health and well-being programs typically have many elements or areas of focus. What your program will focus on will depend on the exact needs of your unique workplace itself. Remember that programs are typically most effective (and see the better return on investment results) when they address a wide range of issues or interests.

Here is a sample of the more common aspects that are typically addressed. What aspects your workplace needs, and how your workplace addresses these needs will vary.

1. Employees express a need or suggestions for workplace health and wellness programs.

2. Workplace Environment itself.

a) Supporting healthy living:

  • Healthy eating
  • Active living
  • Supporting non-smoking
  • Work organization and stress

b) Work/Life Balance

  • Time management
  • Work/life balance

c) Work Environment

  • Providing facilities or supportive programs for active living, healthy eating, etc.
  • Safe working environment
  • Eliminating psychological risk factors
  • Violence prevention policy (includes harassment and bullying)
  • Fair hiring practices
  • Availability of counselling when required (e.g. professional counsellor)

d) Management Practices

  • Communication and awareness sessions on personal health related topics, etc.
  • Training about stress management, time management, work/life balance, etc.
  • Employee participation in the decisions that concern them (e.g., job analysis, new expansions, developments, etc.).
  • Practices related to recognition and job satisfaction.
  • Support for performance of tasks (e.g., on-the job training, training programs, work instructions, etc.).
  • Flexible working hours to accommodate employees who wish to exercise before, after, or during work hours.
  • Financial assistance (e.g., recreational activities, employee assistance programs (EAPs), health screening tests).

What are examples of administrative data that could be used to monitor program results?

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  • Rate of absenteeism
  • Cost of absenteeism
  • Rate of turnover
  • Cost of group insurance (prescription drugs, dental, etc.)
  • Accident/incident rates
  • Number of events or activities held last year
  • Participation in program events
  • Changing behaviours or attitudes towards more healthy habits
  • Number of employee promotions/year
  • Return to work rate from injuries or illnesses
  • Cost for Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)/year
  • Percentage of employee suggestions that are implemented

  • Fact sheet confirmed current: 2017-05-03
  • Fact sheet last revised: 2009-02-02


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