Action Committee on Court Operations in Response to COVID-19 - main content
In-Trial Criminal Jury Proceedings

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A Statement from the Action Committee
Our Committee exists to support Canada's courts as they work to protect the health and safety of all court users in the COVID-19 context while upholding the fundamental values of our justice system. These mutually sustaining commitments guide all of our efforts.
The Action Committee on Court Operations in Response to COVID-19 has released this Tip Sheet to help guide the safe resumption of court operations in Canada.
This Tip Sheet is informed by Principles and Perspectives drawn from health and safety experts, the judiciary, governments and courts administrators - each motivated by a shared responsibility to protect the health and safety of Canadians in planning for the resumption of in-court operations.
It applies a phased method of risk identification and risk mitigation recommended by the Public Health Agency of Canada, and previously released by the Action Committee in its Orienting Principles on Safe and Accessible Courts. This method involves surveying the various elements of court operations, identifying risks for COVID-19 transmission, and implementing mitigation strategies according to a hierarchy of controls. Physical distancing is the starting point of this hierarchy, complemented by engineering controls, administrative controls, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and non-medical masks (NMMs), as appropriate, each of which combine to form an integrated and thorough approach to protecting health and safety.
- This guidance is not exhaustive and is advisory only; it is not intended to replace applicable health and safety laws and regulations, nor does following this guidance ensure compliance with those laws and regulations. Awareness of, and compliance with legal responsibilities must form an integral part of court operations in response to COVID-19. This guidance must be reviewed and adapted by adding good practices and policies to meet local circumstances and needs.
- When putting health and safety measures in place, always consider the hierarchy of controls, continue to evaluate how effective they are, and make changes when needed. Consultation with key stakeholders is also necessary, including workplace health and safety committees.
Process Survey and Risk Identification: In-trial Jury Proceedings
The operation of criminal jury processes differs by jurisdiction, location, and court facility. Common elements of jury proceedings that occur during the conduct of a criminal trial are summarized below, in order to help define risks and inform appropriate control measures. A more detailed account of these elements is available in the Action Committee’s Phases and Steps of a Criminal Jury Trial.
Note: While this Tip Sheet was developed to identify and mitigate risks that arise at each phase of a criminal jury proceeding, it (and others in the series) could be applied or adapted to other trial participants. Witnesses, for example, share some characteristics with jurors: they are required to attend at various points in a trial; their movements in and out of the courtroom are similarly prescribed; and they may also require safe spaces in which to wait, either individually or accompanied by a support person, while their physical presence is not needed in the courtroom.
Elements of the process
- Sitting in the jury stand - Jurors sit together in a jury stand. Within the jury stand, chairs are usually close together. The jury will remain in the jury stand for most of the time the court is in session. The proximity of the jury stand to other courtroom elements and individuals varies by setting.
- Courtroom configuration - Other individuals in the courtroom include the judge, court clerk(s), court recorder, counsel, and the audience. Security staff, interpreters, and additional personnel may also be situated at various locations.
- Jury instructions - In instructions to the jury, the judge will specify the length of each sitting, as well as the time at which breaks will be taken. At the opening of a trial, the jury will be directed to the jury room and asked to decide upon the selection of a foreperson. When moving between the jury room and jury stand, both at this point and other stages during the trial, jurors may carry some personal effects with them.
- Exclusion of the jury - The judge may order the exclusion of the jury from the courtroom in certain circumstances. During this exclusion, jurors will be directed to the jury room by a court services officer, where they will remain together until the judge calls them back into the courtroom.
- Presentation and hearing of evidence - Witnesses give evidence from the witness stand by answering questions posed by counsel. Counsel may “approach” witnesses or the jury in order to show them exhibits or other material, and may also pass exhibits to the court clerk or approach the judge to speak with them privately. Exhibits can include documents, physical objects or photographs, or other materials (such as enlarged images or diagrams). As evidence is presented, jurors may view these materials from afar, or on display screens, or may have opportunities to “interact” with and physically inspect exhibits. Jurors sometimes also use notepads and document binders.
- Discharge of jurors - During the course of a trial, the judge may direct that one or more jurors be discharged, which results in them being removed immediately from the jury. This can arise when a juror falls ill or faces other intervening circumstances, or where circumstances arise that disqualify the juror. Alternate jurors, if applicable, will also be discharged before the end of the trial unless they have been called upon to replace a juror. Discharged jurors will exit the courthouse and typically arrange for their own transportation home.
Hazards related to this process
- Persons attending in-trial jury proceedings may transmit COVID-19 to other persons involved in the process due to previous exposure in their homes or in public;
- The court facility itself could be a location for contraction and transmission to the outside community due to:
- Poorly ventilated and crowded places;
- Prolonged close contact and close-range conversations between jurors, counsel, the judge, court staff and other individuals within the courtroom, the jury stand, the jury room, during the hearing of evidence, and during movement between locations;
- Contact with common surfaces in the courtroom, within the jury stand, in the jury room, or during movement between locations;
- Physical contact with exhibits or any other objects passed between individuals;
- Binders and personal effects could become contaminated surfaces and sites for transmission.
Note: For guidance on jury sequestering, deliberation and release at the end of trial, see the Tip Sheet on Jury Sequestering, Deliberation, and Release. For guidance on the movement of jury members in and out of the courthouse, including during breaks in trial proceedings, see the Tip Sheet on Jury Arrival and Departure from the Courthouse.
Mitigating Risks
Accounting for each element of in-trial jury proceedings, the following control measures could be introduced to reduce risks of COVID-19 transmission and to help protect the health and safety of court users and personnel.